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What is Bloating? Understanding the Causes and Effective Remedies
What is Bloating? Understanding the Causes and Effective Remedies

What is Bloating? Understanding the Causes and Effective Remedies

Do you constantly have the uncomfortable feeling of a bloated stomach especially after you’ve had a meal and nothing seems to help? By understanding the specific causes of bloating, you can identify triggers and take appropriate measures to reduce bloating.

Bloating refers to the uncomfortable sensation of a bloated stomach, characterised by a feeling of fullness and tightness. It occurs when the abdomen becomes distended due to various factors like excess gas, undigested food, hormonal changes, or underlying digestive conditions. It sometimes also causes pain. While occasional bloating is normal, chronic or persistent bloating may indicate an underlying issue.

Why do I often get a bloated stomach?

Stomach bloating

Excess intestinal gas is the most frequent cause of stomach discomfort and bloating. After eating, if your stomach feels bloated, it can be a digestive problem. You could have a food intolerance or another ailment that causes gas and digestive contents to build up, or it could be as easy as eating too much too quickly. Another typical factor in short-term bloating is your menstrual cycle. A bloated stomach may occasionally be a sign of a more serious medical problem.

What causes bloating?

Some of the possible causes of bloating can be:

1. Gas

Stomach gas

Several factors can trigger the digestive system to produce too much gas. Talking while eating, using straws, or chewing gum can all cause you to swallow air while you're eating or drinking quickly. Additionally, certain dietary choices might increase gas production, such as ingesting carbonated beverages or foods high in carbs. Bloating results from the fermentation of undigested food by the gut bacteria when it enters the large intestine. This fermentation produces gases like hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide.

2. Digestive Contents

Bloating can result from foods that are hard to digest. Complex carbohydrates, found in foods like beans, lentils, cabbage, broccoli, and onions, contain sugars that the body has a difficult time metabolising. These foods may be fermented by gut bacteria as they go through the digestive tract, producing gas and leading to bloating.

3. Hormones

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes, especially in women, might make one feel bloated. Oestrogen and progesterone levels change during the menstrual cycle, which causes the body to retain water. This may result in weight gain, breast soreness, and swelling and bloating, which are frequently felt in the abdomen. Once the hormone levels go back to normal the bloating usually reduces or goes away.

4. Other Causes

Digestive disorders may also be to blame for bloating. The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a prevalent illness, include bloating, changes in bowel habits, and stomach pain. Bloating and pain can result from constipation, which can be brought on by insufficient fibre consumption, dehydration, or certain medication. Bloating can be a symptom of several conditions, including celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder caused by gluten consumption, and lactose intolerance, when the body has trouble digesting lactose (a sugar present in dairy products). Bloating can also be brought on by gastrointestinal diseases including bacterial overgrowth or parasite infections.

Also Read: Home Remedies for Constipation

How to Reduce Bloating?

Here are some easy and effective steps you can include in your daily routine to get rid of a bloated stomach and improve your overall gut and digestive health:

1. Eat enough fibre

By including enough fibre in your diet, you support a healthy digestive system and avoid bloating. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and other fibre-rich foods help control bowel movements, avoid constipation, and encourage the development of good gut bacteria. Drink enough water to support the fibre's smooth passage through the digestive system and gradually increase your fibre intake to give your body time to acclimatise.

2. Drink enough water

For maintaining healthy digestion and avoiding bloating, staying hydrated is crucial. Constipation can be avoided by drinking enough water throughout the day to soften stool and encourage regular bowel movements. Aim to drink 8 glasses or approximately 2 litres or more of water each day. Avoid consuming carbonated drinks in excess since they might cause bloating by bringing extra gas into the digestive tract.

3. Get some exercise

Bloating can be reduced with regular exercise. Exercise stimulates the digestive tract's muscles, boosting effective digestion and lowering the risk of gas accumulation. Walking, jogging, riding, or practising yoga can be advantageous. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity.

4. Avoid processed foods

High levels of salt, sugar, and chemical additives are frequently found in processed foods, which can cause bloating. When feasible, choose whole, unprocessed foods because they are typically simpler to digest and include all the required nutrients without extraneous additions. Examine food labels and select items with the fewest additives and preservatives possible.

5. Try probiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria that can aid in digestion improvement and gut flora balance restoration. Some people may get relief from their bloating symptoms by eating foods high in probiotics, such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi, or by taking probiotic supplements. Selecting products with a variety of probiotic strains is advised.

Keep in mind that every person has a different body, so what works for one person might not work for another. Keeping a food journal may be useful for identifying particular bloating triggers and patterns. Consult a healthcare provider for a complete evaluation if your bloating persists or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms including persistent severe pain, noticeable changes in your bowel habits, or other symptoms that are cause for concern.

A great way to maintain your gut health naturally is by including a mix of prebiotics and probiotics for gut health in your diet along with some gut friendly herbs. Panchamrit’s Gut Health Tablets combine probiotics along with Ayurvedic ingredients such as Ginger, Mulethi and Triphala to support your overall gut wellbeing. This blend helps relieve bloating, reduces acidity and soothes the stomach helping alleviate all your gut issues and maintaining a balanced gut microbiome.

Bloating can be unpleasant and bothersome, but by figuring out its causes and taking steps to lessen it, you can find relief. People can actively reduce bloating by addressing issues like gas, digestive contents, hormone swings, and underlying illnesses. To encourage healthy digestion and reduce bloating, incorporate a fibre-rich diet, remain hydrated, exercise frequently, steer clear of processed foods, and think about taking probiotics. Remember, it is best to get medical advice from a qualified practitioner for a complete examination if bloating persists or is accompanied by severe pain or other unsettling symptoms.

Also Read: Stomach Burning Home Remedies


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